Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension


The Dept of Lifelong Learning and Extension (DLLE), formerly known as Department of  Adult Continuing Education, Extension , was established at our college in 2000. As is suggested by the former name of the department, ie, Dept of Adult Continuing Education, Extension, the Department co-ordinated various activities pertaining to adult education and extension services and surveys from the very beginning itself. The Department has paved a way for the extension activities. Under extension programme and services the Department continues with its interaction with Community for offering need based services and gaining insight into the real life issues of the people in and around the college. various activities are organized regularly for enrichment of the student and faculty and sharing the knowledge gained with the community. All the academic and extension programmes of the Department are carried out strictly in accordance with the University guidlines. Presently Dr. M. S. P. B. Kamdi is the incharge of the Department.

Vision & Mission


To create diverse learning opportunities that empowers people of all ages to build stronger communities.


Our mission is to develop students as well as community in the field of non-formal and adult education through lifelong learning and extension.


    1. To empowerment human recourse of Mowad and near by villages with Lifelong Learning, Extension 

    2. To Develop Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Values appropriate to the Lifelong Learning.

    3. To organised various activities for the students and for the community.

    4. To give the information of various schemes of government to the community.


    1. Involve students in the spread of Literacy.

    2. Promote research in the field of lifelong learning.

    3. Life Skills for adults and senior citizens.

    4. Organize and co-ordinate activities for adults and senior citizens.

    5. Population Education.

    6. Activities regarding lifelong learning

    7. Short Term Courses.

    8. Field Survey.

    9. Project work.


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Annual Reports