Department of Marathi

Welcome to Department of Marathi
The department of Marathi is started with the establishment of Nagar Parishad Shivaji MahavidyalayaMowad in 1997 . It is one of the active and result oriented departments of our college. From the beginning it has proved to be a source of career building to the students of our college. In 2005 department started Marathi Literature as optional subject at no grant basis. There are at present 120 sanctioned seats for Marathi and 120 seats for Marathi Literature. There are one full time teachers in the department. The main aim of the department is to generate interest of students in Marathi Language & Marathi Literature at higher Levels of learning. The department has produced innumerable students throughout the years. Many students of the department have established themselves in various sectors, especially as accomplished teachers in various Schools and Degree Colleges and keep touch with the department as alumni.
Besides teaching, the department organizes class wise seminar, debate and prepares students for Quiz competition and Group discussion, Introduced Marathi literature through audio visual aids, published wall magazine. Above all, the faculty member are always ready to render all possible assistance and guidance to students within and outside the campus as and when required. Consequently students get through the final examination with flying colours every year and go for further higher studies.
The department was organised UGC sponsored National Seminar in the Year 2015.
To provide quality education and enhance student’s passion towards language and literature to enable them for professional growth in the areas of education, research, media and publishing.
To propagate Indian culture through literature in Marathi, introduce better opportunities of communication with society to develop interpersonal activity and develop attitude for the various competitive examination to create capable citizen.
Objectives of the Department
To expose students to the peculiarities of Marathi as a spoken & written language
Make them aware about rich cultural heritage of Maharashtra, significance of Marathi as its carrier.
Inculcate in them various usages of language, literary as well as functional; unfold before them the historical account of Marathi literature, ancient and modern.
To teach them literary criticism, Indian and western
Silent Features of the Department
Develop the skills for research and creative writing.
Celebrated Marathi Bhasha Din every year on the date of 27th February.
Remedial Coaching.
Introduced innovative methods in teaching.
Experienced & Ph. D. Holder Faculty.
Various sectors connectivity for Jobs / entrepreneurship for students.