Nagar Parishad Shivaji Mahavidyalaya Alumni Association
Dear Alumni,
It gives me pleasure to communicate with you that, our College has been Re-accreddited ‘B’ grade by NAAC Bangalore in 2015 and recognised as a 2f and 12B by the UGC. College as you all know has been excelling in the in the fileld of Higher Education since 1997. There have been very constructive transformation in the quality of academic progress offered by pur college and the college is marching ahead with support from all the stakeholders. There also has been consistent resource mobilization from different governemnt agencies. Short Term Certificate courses have been implemented in the college. More emphasis is been given to students.
Our College is also committed towards Social responsibilities which is now integrated along with the curriculum. The student support services like Library and Physical education & Sport Department have been strengthened. More Sports facilities have been added in past few years which has also increased student participation in sports.
You as our Alumni, form an integral part of this system. Your feedback and suggestions are always Welcome by the help of which we can enhance our Quality of educatio
forward to hear from you.
Dr. K. R. Zilpe
Aims & Objective
To provide the forum to establish a link between the alumni, staff, and students of the college.
To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the alumni and present students of the college and between the alumni themselves.
To enable the alumni to participate in activities which would contribute to the general development of theCollege.
To encourage the Alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of the College.
To organize and establish scholarship and welfare funds to help the needy and deserving students.
To institute prizes and awards for outstanding results or other professional activity by the students of the college; also to suitably recognize outstanding social and common service by the Alumni and the students.
To perform all other acts in furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
Alumni Assocaition / committee
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Designation |
1 | Mr. Ompraksah S. Malode | President |
2 | Mr. Prashant R. Dhore | Vice President |
3 | Mr. Nandkishor M. Bele | Secretary |
4 | Mr. Pramod B. Lende | Joint Secretary |
5 | Mr. Rajkumar S. Navnage | Treasurer |
6 | Ms. Yamini N. Hedau | Member |
7 | Prof. Manohar B. Bandare | Member |