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Best Practice of the Institution

Best Practice - 1

1. Title of the Practice

‘Skill oriented short term certificate course & Value added course’.

2. Goal

1) To impart the students skills so that, they could get the resource of livelihood.
2) Job Training.

3. The Practice

College started the new 4 skill oriented self finance short term courses. College forms the different six committees for the courses. The teachers are appointed on honorarium basis for the purpose. At the end of the training the college conducted objective type questionnaire examination and issue certificate to the students.

4. Evidence of Success

Majority of the students acquired skill in these courses. It gives opportunity to begin their self employment or at list they are encourage to continue their course as they got the basic knowledge acquired in the college.

5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

We have not received any grants from UGC so we started these short term courses on self finance basis. The teachers are appointed on honorarium basis for the purpose.

Best Practice - 2

1. Title of the Practice

‘Career Guidance Cell’

2. Goal

To prepare the students for competitive examinations, so that they could get various Government Services.

3. The Practice

College established career guidance cell in the year 2008-09. Since then the college is conducting regular classes not only for the college students but for alumni with the help of faculty and alumni. Guest lectures are also organised to upgrade their knowledge regarding the competitive examinations. CGC also display the information of various employments, competitive examination notification on Library and office notice board.

4. Evidence of Success

That practice proved very fruitful to us. Up to the date near about 30 students secured job in various State Centre government department and Banking Sectors. Due to these practiced the students visited the library now and then which improved their reading habits. College library has ample collection of competitive examination books and journals, which enable the students to get success in the examination.

5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

We make sufficient use of college resources which are not adequate but enough to cater the needs of the students.