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E-Content: English Language

B. A. I Semester (As per NEP 2020 Syllabus from 2024-25)

Major Mandatory 1: [Paper :ENGLNG1MJ1] 4 Credits

Module: PPT

Unit 1: Skilled Focus (Non Textual)

Unit 2: Prose and Applied Language skills

Unit: 2. Poetry

Unit 3: Poetry

Unit 4: Interpersonal Skill - I

Module: E-Text

Unit 1: Skilled Focus (Non Textual)

Unit 2: Prose and Applied Language skills

Unit: 2. Poetry

Unit 3: Poetry

Unit 4: Interpersonal Skilsl - I

Other Module

Module: Video Lecture

Major Mandatory 2: [Paper :ENGLNG1MJ2] 2 Credits

Module: E-Text

Unit 1: Skilled Focus (Non Textual)

Unit 2: Prose and Integrated Language skills

Unit 3 : Poetry

Unit 4: Interpersonal Skills -II

Other Module

Module: Video Lecture

Open Elective1: [Paper :ENGLNG1OE1] 4 Credits

Module: PPT

Unit 1: Prose

Unit 2: Poetry

Unit 3 : Writing Skills

Unit 4: Language Study

Module: E-Text

Unit 1: Prose

Unit 2: Poetry

Unit 3 : Writing Skills

Unit 4: Language Study

Other Module

Module: Video Lecture

Vocational Skill Courses1: [Paper :ENGLNG1VSC1: Personal Communication Skills: An Introduction 2 Credits]

Module: E-Text

Ability Enhancement Course: [Paper :ENGLNG1AEC1: Compulsory English; 2 Credits]

Module: E-Text

Indian Knowledge System: [Paper :ENGLNG1IKS1: 2 Credits]

Module: E-Text

Skill Enhancement Course 1: [Paper :ENGLNG1SEC1: 2 Credits]

Module: E-Text

Unit 1: Application of parts of speech and common error in their usage

Unit 2: Tense, Their application and common error in their usage

Unit 3 : Exploring Dictionary (Antonyms, Synonyms, Homonyms)

Unit 4: Word Formation

B. A. II Semester (NEP 2020) From Session 2022-23

Module: PPT

Unit: 3.Writing Skills

Unit: 4. Language Study

Module: E-Text

Unit: 3. Writing Skills

Unit: 4. Language Study

Other Module

Module: Video Lecture

B. A. III Semester

Module: PPT

Unit: 3. Short Stories

Unit: 4. Grammar & Vocabulary

Module: E-Text

Module: Video Lecture

B. A. IV Semester

Module: PPT

Unit: 4. Grammar & Vocabulary

Module: E-Text

Unit: 4. Grammar & Vocabulary

Module: Video Lecture

B. A. V Semester

Module: PPT

Unit: 3. Short Stories

Unit: 4. Grammar & Vocabulary

Module: E-Text

Other module

Module: Video Lecture

B. A. VI Semester

Module: PPT

Unit: 2. Poetry

Unit: 3. Short Stories

Unit: 4. Grammar & Vocabulary

Module: E-Text

Unit: 3. Short Stories

Unit: 4. Grammar & Vocabulary

Other Module

Module: Video Lecture